why tho? — Levi-with-long-hair-thought-experiment!

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna



I do have an explanation for this! Here goes: last week I coincidentally came across two different texts featuring Levi with long hair… and my brain just kept throwing pictures of older Eren at me 😅Which was a bit annoying, because come on, irre! you’re supposed to have a rich imagination, stop it! That’s why I decided to help my stupid brain out and, well, this is what came out of it. Please tell me he doesn’t look like Eren! Please! XD

Should have started my aot-fanart-obsession with face charts, but better late than never, I guess.

Now I can finally go and enjoy the texts!

levi ackerman aot fanart shingeki no kyojin

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